The Harajuku Moment

The Harajuku Moment

In life, almost everyone has a moment where they think to themselves, "I've been on autopilot. It's time for a change." That moment can manifest differently for everyone, but the outcomes are the same. You've decided no matter what, you want to choose the path less traveled. To be intentional with your life, and create the sustainable habits, discipline, and mentality that lead to lasting change. Welcome.

How do you know when you've had yours?

In the words of my father, "You'll know when you know." - when I was asking about whether or not I'll ever meet "the one." So here are some characteristics for when having your own:

Why is the Harajuku Moment needed?

"You'll know when you know." If you don't think you need a Harajuku Moment, then you're probably pretty happy with your life, so you can skip all this and go straight to the next article.